Ret later admitted skipping preparation for this match-up and hence losing to the better player. Both have since been picked up by the Korean pro-team eSTRO Nony in early who has since retired, ret in late They casted in all the stages of the tournament, from the Ro16 all the way to the Grand Finals.
Users started going wild at the "You will let me down, down, down! During Qualifier R2, on one playday, Dreiven did not show up. He received a default loss in the first game of the group, however, for the Losers' match he showed up, claiming he had attended a barbeque.
Dreiven eventually made it out of his group, earning him the nickname "BBQ-Toss". This expression became an instant classic, also sporting the motto for the JF hype thread. General Recent changes Pending changes Random page. Betting Preferences. What links here. Related changes. Upload file. Special pages. Printable version. Permanent link. Page information. If enough people are interested in the concept which I imagine will be the case if day9 mentions it , then there should be tons of people frequenting the channel.
I'm just curious as to what the rest of the Starcraft community thinks of him. Obviously he has been pivotal in promoting not just the game, but videogames in general. But when I watch other casters, I can't help but get the feeling that they take shots at how energetic he is, and I really wanna know your guys opinion on what you think the rest of the SC community thinks of him.
Personally, I think he might be one of the most underrated influential people of our generation. I've been trying to adequately explain the basics of Starcraft to my girlfriend. We really enjoy watching the dailies together, but she feels like she would appreciate some of Sean's jokes more if she knew how to play. The only problem is that most newbie tuesday episodes require some prior knowledge of starcraft.
Any good episodes for absolute beginners? Here's a couple of ideas I had floating around, I don't know if any have been suggested before: Track and Attack Terran only Can only attack areas that are within the radius of a Sensor Tower. The idea is to encourage innovation with an underused building, which could lead to new interesting tactics and slow pushes. Do a tank contain with a tower and scan the high ground whenever enemy units are near. Behind Enemy Lines All races Before your first attack, you must designate a unit to be 'Ryan' hotkeyed to 0.
Due to losing all his brothers, he is not allowed to fight and must be brought home alive at all costs. You must type a quote from a war film before fighting your way to Ryan's position and once secure, retreat back to your base; where a new Ryan will be designated. The aim of this to encourage attacking with limited objectives. Ryan could be a reaper hidden in the back of a zerg expansion, I'd type in chat "Get to da choppa!
I have no idea if this is viable! Mass Queens Ep , attack every 5 mins Ep and only attack on creep Ep Stack'em High All races Have to attack at least three times using 'stacked' units. This can be done in the following ways: - Stack up workers on unbuilt refineries - Drop units in a constricted space - Nydus into a constricted place can send drones through to make evolution chambers - Use force fields to constrict units - Send units into a Vortex and then pylon wall off - Sequentially pick up units with Graviton Beam and then wall off The main idea is to innovate new tactics, e.
Look No Hands! All races All battles must be controlled using only hotkeys and by commands issued via the minimap. The main aim is too encourage multitasking and to show that most actions can be performed by this method.
Also teaches new tricks like minimap feedbacking and formation blinking. Bullet Time All races Play a custom game on the slowest time setting. It completely changes the nature of the game, making it very strategic and allowing perfect macro while microing multiple armies. Replays watched at normal speed are really entertaining with APM!
It's also a useful teaching aid for doing specific builds. Bait and Switch Terran only Only allowed one tech lab at a time. The aim is to encourage innovation within limited constraints and switching buildings. Do a cloak banshee opening into siege tank push. I realize he's humble, but as a spectator, that's amazing to me, and I want to hear more about it. A "top " leaderboard NA only, given , of the most competitive video game of our time, he has 3 one for each race GM accounts?
Personally: "Not the fastest speedling in the control group. That's so terrible, my grandpa could proxy better than that.
He has arthritis too. And he's dead! I'd like to know if it is chosen or not and if we will see him soon. I think he has a talent for teaching in his dailies, but I kinda miss the hardcore caster that he was. I hope we will see him more and that he doesn't tend to turn out like Tasteless, who has chosen to explain SC to newcomer rather that being an analytical beast. Also I'd really like to have a "Hardcore Thursday" or something like that.
Stepping into SC2 I would just get obliterated since I had absolutely no idea what I was doing — frustrating to say the least. When I was searching around for video tutorials I stumbled upon some youtube archives of the Day[9] Daily. One of those groups is Blue Sky Black Death. I made this mix as my way to say thank you to Day[9] for four things: Exposing me to so much amazing new music Ludique, BSBD, Purity Ring, etc Teaching me an absurd amount about the game of Starcraft 2 Making me a better gamer Putting so much effort into the community — his passion and energy are tireless For all of this, I have to thank him.
I love watching the Funday Mondays. Often, after a shitty day of school, I'll sit down, do some stats, and enjoy the hilarity of our loving Starcraft god, Day9. But I feel like recently, they have been amiss. While I still enjoy them, I no longer learn anything from them. They were originally designed to place arbitrary limits on the game can't build stalkers, battlecruiser rush, etc. I feel like those helped us explore the game, even at a low level. The recent Fundays, while enjoyable, have somewhat gotten away from this goal.
While i do enjoy close games, I feel it is outside the purpose of Funday Mondays. I doubt Day9 will lose any followers, I am just curious if there is a reason we stopped the arbitrary restrictions? First off everything you say about your mom makes her seem like an amazing woman and I'm sure the community would be interested in hearing some embarrassing stories about day9.
I would also like to see day9 and tasteless do some game analysis or just joke around as they are both very funny. Your first expansion must be to your opponents natural and you must transform it into a planetary fortress. I don't think there was any specifying when it has to be transformed, though, so play at your discretion. Sorry if this is a bit redundant, but I haven't been able to keep up with all the dailies lately both pre and post show banter included so does anyone know if Sean released new information regarding the special daily?
Or is it just safer to assume we should wait till' after he graduates May 13th? He was then devastated when she dumped him. Anyone know which daily that's in?
So I turn on my car; radio start's up, thought it was going to be a usual day but at around am I heard the radio hosts welcoming Sean Plott and then I was like The commentators asked him a question which I can't remember and when he said,"I'm glad you asked" it was starcraft II from there on out. I havnt been watching the scene lately but there's something going on this week locally excites me!
Really entertaining! Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. The links and pics i grab for it i make sure and post the source from where I got it. So if you guys see anything thats yours, I want to make sure I give you full credit.
I made this for all the tumblr fans of Day[9] who doesn't browse reddit and ect. Not looking to get karma or anything, just putting a word out there for the blog. I know people on reddit get weird about other online communities. Its my contribution to the wonderfulness Day[9] has to offer! He has truly shaped the way I play Starcraft 2! Throwaway account obviously, because I am painfully shy. Okay, doesn't it just drive you crazy when he complains about being single?
Dammit Day[9], you are smart and sweet and basically a total panty-melter so cut it the hell out! C'mon ladies, I know I'm not alone in this! So glad he stepped in, nothing against Gretorp and Incontrol but with so many things going wrong I'm glad 1 aspect of it feel awesome.
It really is a no brainer, considering how much time and effort he puts into producing really great, free content. And I think he also talks about getting a "man's keyboard and a man's mouse" if I remember right? Hello hello, greetings from Australia! Talking about a step function in statistics today and I'm sure you know what I thought of right away. No, not his older Dailys, but from his professional gaming career.
He mentioned his Muta v Scourge micro on Daily p2 , and it gave me a great longing to see him play professionally again. If any of you know where to find some good games, I'd love to see them! For the first two seasons I ranked into silver.
But recently I've been watching the dailies religiously, but I've been too afraid to actually play a game. Well I just did, and I won. I'm sure day9 doesn't frequent the new posts, but I honestly appreciate his casts, and I'm so happy have tangible proof of my improvement, much of which I owe to day9.
So I walked into his house I used to live here with him wearing a cashmere sweater, and he walks out carrying a book.
He starts telling me something about how we're going to play Dominion later and that I'm going to lose and cry like a bitch. He then proceeds to smack my ass with aforementioned book. Then he begins to massage my shoulder, but is instantly entranced by the sweater. So he felt up my back and chest.
Before leaving, he spanked me with the book one last time for good measure. We may both be straight males, but I might consider going gay for him; he just knows how to treat a bitch.
On today's funday, Day[9] mentioned zealot lion noises during BW story time. For those unaware I thought it was pretty good near the end he ran into someone watching the live stream and they completed the game together. I am a fairly new viewer, as I've only been watching for six months or so. Story-times are always my favourite, and I'm looking forwards to seeing some new ones! I had it in my head that Day9 said he was going to be streaming other random games about one day a week but haven't seen anything about it since.
I think he said he was going to start Magic TCG draft tournaments, and later just whatever was cool at the time? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Sounds like fun. Since we all know you read this subreddit ; I listen to your daily all the time and I really dig the music you play during breaks.
I dug them so much that i am going to buy their stuff from their websites. My request is, could you publish a playlist on your website of what you are listening to? It doesnt necessarily have to be what you play during the show although during breaks, it seems like most of the chat is asking eachother what song it is you are playing , but more like a 'What day9 is digging right now' type of playlist. You dont even have to worry about keeping it updated Anyway, keep up the good work.
Like seriously, why is this so much fun. This is stupid. Why do I have to do it every time he mentions it? Anyone else have this problem? I've tried over a dozen times now in different ways and it's never even remotely close. You can't do any kind of weird aggression because you need to save money to constantly expand, you can't do anything with your money from expanding because you can only make 1 unit type, essentially.
What have other people been trying? Edit: It'd be pretty easy to just super cheese with cannons or something, but that's totally against the spirit of what is happening so I'm not doing that. I'm looking for the daily where he tells the story of him and a girl playing settlers of cattan, then standing together on a balcony and finally him running away from her.
Then he says something like "She took me to my car, but I didn't know if I should hug her, so I gave her a high give". My friends and I have planned an evening specifically for the drinking game. Any recommendations? Don't take sleeping pills before the game In his ama he mentions that his philosophy of the meaning of life is sitting around a meal conversing with friends, laughing, telling stories and enjoying yourself. Fuck yeah, i got this idea of "meaning of life" from watching lost actually.
At the end when they're are all in the church and smiling and jack dies and goes to heaven i was just like i wasted 7 season? Since every dailies Day[9] does something special, why don't we plan ahead now so he knows what we would like to see on the th Daily assuming of course Day[9] is fine with it. I think it would be really cool to have a funday monday revolving around hallucination.
It's a really under-used spell, so I think it would be great to get people using it in a fun way! My idea would be this: to hallucinate a realistic looking army i. You could also then have the opportunity of forcefielding them out of their main while you attack with your real army. Either that, or just mass hallucination. Every battle, no forcefield, no guardian shield, just 25 hallucinated archons. There have been many posts saying: "This pertains to LoL too.
For those of you who don't know already This is good news for esports in general, because this not only helps stubborn people to get out of their starcraft elitism, it helps those who play both speak up. Hopefully, this hasn't been said in SOTG That would be more embarrassing than when my suitemates caught me All jokes aside, I have faith in the future of eSports, since the majority of the people in eSports have morals.
Thanks for reading. I'm looking form the wallpaper that has his grey background, orange lettering with Day[9] header and the words "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness. I found Amnesia very fun to watch, well, I listened to it more than watched it. It was very good at keeping me working for a couple of hours at a time. I know he mentioned he was going to stream some Skyrim but do you think he'd consider streaming the same rate as Amnesia across other games?
Sorry if this is something that's asked often but i tried looking around and i couldn't find anything on it.
Not right now, but after PAX East! PAX runs from March 11thth so anytime after that don't know if it will be a live stream or a pre-recorded video he has to edit and upload. This was announced after the daily was over I think. Could have been right at the end before he finished. My roommates kept looking at me weird every time I lol'ed. Those games were amazing to watch, and I finally saw an Archon Toilet attack. Life seems so much better now.
Thanks Day[9]! When to be aggressive and when to retreat. Too much I find myself not necessarily turtling, but holding back my army until I have an overpowering force because of the fear of losing. And also, I always seem to just throw my units into the battle to kill as many enemies as possible until all of mine are dead instead of falling back to save what I've got.
Pro input needed! AAAAnd after 5 games I'm done. Went , decent games to send in. Might do this again if I get bored. Probably not with this topic though. See you monday. For the average terran, this might be okay. My main is a diamond Zerg, with Protoss being low plat level. My terran is gold at best. I'm facing platinums on HoTS, so it's a bad gold terran playing a strange strat vs platinums. I don't expect to win often. I tried it once on monday and got rolled.
I'll be playing electric music, using the playlists from dabears. So my friend's a fellow gamer, but he's never played SC and knows nothing about it. I want to show him a game that Day[9] has cast in the past because I love his enthusiasm and I feel the way he explains what's going on, you don't have to play to feel the excitement.
Does anyone have any suggestions of favorite dramatic matches I could show my friend as his introduction to SC? I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to purchase their albums. I want to support them as much as possible, so if their is a way for them to get the most money from my purchase i would like to know. Thank you. Please help. It totally cheered me up and for some reason I thought that Day[9] might fit perfectly into their ideals.
He cheers most of his viewers up, he's extremely nice and he just gives awesome hugs. I guess I'm just curious if anyone agrees.
Wow that sounds creepy. That's why I made a temp account to post this! So on to my weird dream. But it started all creepy like with me having to sacrifice a cute animal to save the world. What ever. Then it skipped to where I was sitting at home on my computer in my Day[9]TV shirt and browsing the web. I guess my door was open because Sean just walked right in I think he got lost and was looking for directions or something.
I remember being super nervous and I kept calling him Mr. And once again it changed and I suddenly had a 3x3 burger from In n Out He stole half because it had pickles on it. That's all I really remember of it So yeah. That sounds creepy. Is it less creepy if I state that I'm a female? Though I bet many of you will point out there are no girls on the internet His mech tactics are not used very often by other players altough Goody can win with them altough he has "bad" mechanics.
This makes me think that mech is strong but unused. A friend of mine made a Day9 finger puppet. Her blog is in Swedish but I think you can figure it out. FundayMonday: 1v1 replays where you expand every 4 minutes.
Looking for a Day9 clip or daily where he says in his Timmy voice "If I can build one marine with one barracks, I can make even more with more barracks" or something like that. I'm sure a lot of people aside from me would love to see some old school Brood War Gosu smack down. Part 13 in. It looks like he's in a desert movie or something.
Dear Day9 fans, where can I find all of Day9's "Song of the day"? How is there not a speculation thread for this? Unless Day9 has said what he is planning to do but as far as I know he has not. I personally think a tour of a day in the average daily life of day[9] would be pretty awesome. The other idea I think would be amazing would be him streaming his ladder session, whether it be a one time treat or the start of something new. Does anyone know what episode of State of the Game Day9 explains where he got the saying "line em up".
It should be uploaded to YouTube soon. Reddit, I find Day9 Dailies to be hysterical sometimes. I love his humor. For instance, I about shit my pants during the classic "Trumpets! It was awesome.
What are your favorite funny moments? I don't know if Day9 reads these or not, but I would love maybe a newbie tuesday on defending Stephano's zvp style. I know you need to harass, but I always harass horribly and am never prepared for the max roach at twelve minutes a timing every zerg I now play seems to nail to a T. I'm a top gold player trying to get into platinum, and while my pvp and pvt are good enough to advance me, I haven't yet cracked the pvz where the three base max roach just kills me.
If you could do a daily on this I would really appreciate it, as you always have been a great inspiration to me : Also, I come to you because I used to have a lot of trouble in PvT but since the Parting Daily I've gone in that matchup. So thank you for teaching me how to crack that build and thought process. Thank you day9! No, really. You get the idea. Mostly, I just made this thread because I'm curious how long it'd get.
Guy's got some influence. So, let's have it. What am I forgetting? I suck. Edit 2: I also forgot about "Baby baby babybabybabybabybabybaby Edit 3: Damn it. I forgot about "big booty, big booty, big booty Are there any dailies where it shows scout timings, and what to infer when you get in the base, without making undue assumptions?
I scout, almost always get a good view of his base, but I wish I understood what I saw more often. Has day done anything about this topic? If not that would be an awesome and very useful nooby tuesday daily. Play as Protoss. Just thought id pop in to say how much I enjoyed this episode, probably more than the others I have seen.
As a Gold level Protoss, I found myself stagnating into a wait till maxed, then push army. By forcing myself to attack at 11 minutes or so a I got an "ah ha!
I came to the conclusion that the other guy is also vulnerable, also trying to macro etc and it is certainly at my level better to just attack and go for it Pressure is always better when your the one doing it. Since then I have found myself creating some nice Immortal Voidray pushes at 12 minutes into second expand in PvT, and my PvZ has an Archon Immortal push around the same time Each time I completely demolish my opponent, it was not even a fair fight.
I feel like a child with a massive toy box, looking at these units in a cool way. DreamHack Winter Day 1 - Page Post a Reply. Prev 1 14 15 16 17 18 Next. Add Tastossis stream to the site. On November 24 iky wrote: dreamhack or gsl, decisions decisions Oh man, Day's White-Ra impression is hilarious!
Bomb on airplane, its fine. Lol, I wouldn't want to travel with Whitera in america. Were can I follow the result? DH webpage is just to hard to find anything on? On November 24 Pippi wrote: Bomb on airplane, its fine.
On November 24 purpose wrote: Were can I follow the result? Mana with a little micro mistake losing unnecessary stalker. Watching sentry vs marauder hurts my brain. Gogo white-ra and huk! White-Ra holds that casters made that seem so much more precarious than i think it was hehe :p And Mana just shows his skill all over Goody. Rogue vs TBD.
Crank TaKeTV IndyStarCraft HorussTv CosmosSc2 DivinesiaTV Liquipedia Discussion. Moscow Cybersport Series. Nicoract vs MilkiCow. Wichtig lesen!!!! Show me your Flat 05 : Der Boden im Gaming wird aufgehauen und ich darf ran! StarCraft 2 — 2v2 Masters League — Is there a proxy?!?! Ugh StarCraft 2 — 2v2 Livecast — More vs.
Starcraft 2 3v3 on Monsoon with Scvrush — New team strategy; Wall off! MC vs. IMLosira Spiel1 spanishiwa vs. Socke Spiel5third place: Sen vs. Socke Game5 Spiel um Platz 3: Sen vs. Socke Spiel4third place: Sen vs. Socke Game4 Spiel um Platz 3: Sen vs. Socke Spiel3third place: Sen vs. Socke Game3 Spiel um Platz 3: Sen vs. Socke Spiel2third place: Sen vs. Socke Game2 Spiel um Platz 3: Sen vs. Socke Spiel1third place: Sen vs.
Strelok g2hdwt TLO vs. Strelok g2 hdwt TLO vs. Strelok g1hdwt TLO vs. Goody g3 TLO vs. Goody g2TLO vs. Goody g2 TLO vs.