These include: She's worn a bra for a few years. She has hair under her arms and in her private parts. She has some clear, stringy liquid called discharge coming from her vagina. Why Do Girls Get Periods?
How Long Do Periods Last? Periods usually last about 5 days. But a period can be shorter or last longer. How Often Does a Period Happen? Most girls use a pad when they first get their period. Pads are made of cotton and come in lots of different sizes and shapes. They have sticky strips that attach to the underwear. Many girls prefer to use tampons instead of pads, especially when playing sports or swimming.
A tampon is a cotton plug that a girl puts into her vagina. Most tampons come with an applicator that guides the tampon into place. The tampon absorbs the blood. Don't leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours because this can increase your risk of a serious infection called toxic shock syndrome. Some girls prefer a menstrual cup.
To use a menstrual cup, a girl inserts it into her vagina. The cup holds the blood until she empties it. Your Email. Your Friend's Name. Your Friend's Email. Your friend should get it any second.
What is a period and why do we have them? What does a period feel like? Does having your period smell? Does having your period hurt? I got my period and I haven't told my mom yet. It's really hard for me to talk about things like this. I have a lot of questions. What should I do? Is it OK to have a bath or shower when I have my period? Will anyone, like boys or my mom, notice when I have my period? How much blood do I lose during my period? When will I stop having my period for good?
Puberty Talk: Materials for Parents. When your period is at its heaviest, the blood will be red. On lighter days, it may be pink, brown or black. You'll lose about 30 to 72ml 5 to 12 teaspoons of blood during your period, although some women bleed more heavily than this. Read more about heavy periods , period pain , irregular periods and stopped or missed periods.
Periods usually begin at around the age of 12, although some girls will start them earlier or later. A delay in starting periods isn't usually a cause for concern. Most girls will be having regular periods by age 16 to Read more about girls and puberty. Sanitary products soak up or collect the blood released during your period. The main types of sanitary products are:. Sanitary pads are strips of padding that have a sticky side you attach to your underwear to hold them in place.
One side of the pad is made of an absorbent material that soaks up the blood. Pads come in many sizes, so you can choose one to suit how heavy or light your period is. Pantyliners are a smaller and thinner type of sanitary pad that can be used on days when your period is very light.
Tampons are small tubes of cotton wool that you insert into your vagina to soak up the blood before it comes out of your body. There are 2 types of tampon - ones that come with an applicator and others without an applicator that you insert with your fingers. In both cases, there's a string at one end of the tampon, which you pull to remove it. Tampons come with instructions that explain how to use them. If the tampon is inserted correctly, you should not be able to feel it inside you.
If you can feel it or it hurts, it might not be in properly. It is not possible for a tampon to get stuck or lost inside you. Your vagina holds it firmly in place and it expands inside you as it soaks up the blood.
Menstrual cups are an alternative to sanitary pads and tampons.